Building a resplendent castle,

Weaving tales of companionship,
A flowing stream, gentle and long,
Withstanding the weary armor of the surroundings,
Creating a future of dreams and aspirations,
Finding tranquility in both body and mind.



With the advantage of high ceilings and great flexibility offered by the Loft layout, the entrance space is designed in an elegant Italian style, captivating and inspiring. The envisioned lifestyle is not constrained by existing conditions. Serving as the core of the entire home, the living room, with its soaring 4.5-meter tall void, creates a grand atmosphere surpassing that of a typical two-bedroom residence.

luxury livingroom


livingroom luxury


In light of the gentleman's leisurely reading and occupational necessities, the designer has chosen to dim the prominence of the home's interior arrangement, thereby expanding the corridor space and foyer, while eliminating individual seating options for sofas, and transforming them into utility-oriented recreational zones.


The restaurant is situated beyond the sofa and features a wide screen integrated with the kitchen counter, spanning approximately 8 meters. The overall design seamlessly combines the three major functional areas of dining, guest reception, and cooking. By closely adjoining these zones, the flow of movement is condensed and daily activities become more convenient, facilitating smoother communication among family members.



The minimalist Western-style culinary techniques, refracted by the light through the Venetian blinds, evoke a sense of flexibility and transparency, making it more suitable for diverse social moments in life.



The master bedroom suite, featuring a double-height ceiling, embraces the abundant natural light and warmth provided by the 3-meter-wide floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. With sophisticated and tasteful furnishings, bedding, and accessories, it creates a tranquil and exclusive haven.

master bedroom



The secondary bedroom is situated on the second floor, exuding a delightful visual appeal with its elegant green tones complemented by vibrant accents of bright yellow. The design of the platform bed expands the usable space, while the inclusion of elliptical mirrors enhances the sense of dynamism within the room. Additionally, the presence of adorable decorations featuring Miffy the rabbit and monkey-shaped lamps adds a charming and whimsical touch.



Design Team | DY Design - Aesthetic Space by Design

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January 18, 2024 — Z Z